Vintage marketVintage marketSizes: 145 × 145 / 300 × 200 / 768 × 512 / 785 × 523 / 128 × 85 / 256 × 171 / 512 × 341 / 768 × 512 / 1,024 × 683 / 500 × 500 / 700 × 467 / 100 × 100 / 1,500 × 1,000Vintage clothes shop, Brick Lane, London, June 2016 Image InfoDimensions1,500 × 1,000DateJune 24CameraX-T1Aperturef⁄6Focal Length35 mmISO1000Shutter Speed1⁄320 secNameMime Typeimage/jpegGallery Death of ego Bag of drums Tea Calçadinha da Figueira Lavadouro público 1 Bus stop E Catalunya